Productivity Ratio: Understanding the “invisible work” of software development

Productivity Ratio: Understanding the “invisible work” of software development

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

We know that software development is not all just coding. As with any big project, there are plenty of tasks that must be fulfilled to create an effective end product, such as stakeholder supervision, decision-making, problem-solving, communication, and time management. Which is why it is  essential to have a clear understanding of the business goals of the software being developed, while also analyzing and interpreting the user requirements that must be worked into the development phase.


That’s part of the reason why productivity in this context is a tricky thing to track. Sure, you can see how long it takes to reach the end goal and measure it against timelines and expectations, but that doesn’t take into account all the nuances of software creation, as well as the challenges of debugging, refactoring, tweaking, editing and other tedious but crucial elements of every successful project. And this is further complicated by progress not always being linear — as soon as you start working on a project, it’s almost certain things will follow their own kaleidoscope-like paths that don’t always make sense from the outside. 

With all that, it might seem that tracking productivity is like nailing jelly to a wall: not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination, and sadly without a one-size-fits-all solution. Doing the required following isn’t impossible, though, but it requires finesse and forethought to obtain meaningful results. It also requires being aware of the “invisible work” going into the development of an application, and it requires having a complete understanding of how that many pieces fit together. Unfortunately, for some teams, ignoring the tediousness of tracking productivity can be seen as more desirable than going through the hassle. However, with the correct approach, any team can achieve such a goal.

Getting ratio’d

Productivity Ratio

Working with other professionals like designers, business analysts, or testers, is part of every software development project, so good collaboration skills are necessary to reach any goal. Furthermore, making sure that the tools you are using are appropriate for the task ahead can have a dramatic impact on how successful the project would turn out to be in the long run. All these requirements mean that a positive outcome demands a spectrum of skills, which makes the whole process more challenging, and not all of them are obvious at a first glance. In the words of this Crossing the Equator article:

This invisible work increases the communications gap between the hidden, almost abstract world of coding on the one side and that of marketers, purchasers, and investors on the other. It’s a gap that can cause frustration and misunderstanding and can lead to employee turnover and a slowdown of business growth. It is usually the responsibility of engineering leaders to close this gap.

In other words, measuring «invisible work» can be difficult due to the complexity of any project. While time and effort can obviously be used to gauge progress, many intangible elements must be factored into the equation, but it’s hard to quantify the value of research, problem-solving strategies, code refactoring, and investigating emerging technologies that all help to improve software quality. In addition, developers must often adjust their efforts on the fly if stakeholders change their expectations or new information comes in. As a result, measuring invisible work requires an experienced team who understands what needs to be tracked and how to factor it into the overall process. And one of the more interesting approaches to this comes from a very simple formula: productivity ratios.

Productivity ratios in software development are the gauge by which you measure whether or not a process is successful, indicating the amount of work completed versus the amount of time and effort expended. In other words, it looks at how much time and resources have been invested in a project, such as coding and bug fixes, against the end result. The productivity ratio, consequently, it’s an important metric for gauging how effective a development team is at producing quality work. And understanding how to calculate it can be an invaluable tool for ensuring a project’s success. The formula to do so can be expressed as the following:

productivity ratio

The tricky part, however, is how to define what the input and the output mean in the context of development. The most common approach is looking at the basic resources that go into the project (work hours, number of developers, cost per hour, among others), against a specified result, like development milestones reached, user stories, pull requests, and many others, with the general idea that something is being produced continuously. 

The result of the equation is then compared to a baseline (industry standards, or past development story, for example) to obtain an estimate of the total productivity of a given team. But how does this tie back to the invisible work involved in software development? Coming back to the Crossing the Equator article:

It’s a human-focused thing. It also applies to collaboration, knowledge sharing, and team-building activities. Successful organizations build products that customers love, which can only happen when the right people are involved and treated correctly. Teams cannot afford to hire people who merely hit the keyboard to write code without any profound understanding of or connection to the end user. Understanding the business means understanding its processes and goals and ensuring full team alignment.

A different way to look at development

Productivity Ratio

In short, without a holistic view of development, a productivity ratio cannot work as is because a lot of the effort is not directly apparent in the final product (like planning, writing documentation, ensuring clear communication between stakeholders, managers, and developers, implementing and maintaining the adequate tools, observing security, refactoring the code, etc.), but it’s required to guarantee the timely delivery of a product, its quality, and the overall success of it. 

After all, putting all the focus on coding is not enough and in fact can lead to disaster if other aspects of the project such as design, testing, debugging, and the actual use case are not taken into consideration. Without properly assessing these elements a lot of issues can arise while rolling out the software to customers resulting in wasted effort and resources. That last part is key: developers should take an all-encompassing approach by focusing on the final users as the overall destination of the whole process, and what they are getting from the whole ordeal is, perhaps, the most important point of all. Consequently, an effective productivity ratio should be defined less in terms of input/output, and more like:

productivity work

The core of this approach is to stop seeing the development process as an isolated black box where effort goes in and results come out, and instead get into a mindset of the “total work” output by a team against what the client and final user will be receiving. This should not just be an abstract idea but rather a value that’s central to all efforts during production, helping align everyone with a clear goal. Additionally, when strong ties exist between a software development team and its users, trust is established allowing for up-front feedback before any changes or upgrades would be made, all but ensuring that technical implementations fit with user expectations. Bottom line – all software development projects should prioritize the user experience, helping teams align their efforts from day one. Making sure everyone understands and is deeply invested in this user focus allows for more meaningful and consistent collaborations internally, bridging the gap between the visible and invisible work. Ensuring there is a clear baseline for the productivity ratio, will end up manifesting into an ideal, successful product that satisfies users completely.

The Key Takeaways

  • Productivity is always an important concern for any software development project because it can give a clear picture of the effort and resources put into development.
  • One of the biggest challenges of tracking productivity is the “invisible work” involved in creating a successful application, which is never obvious in the final product.
  • A successful approach might be the “productivity ratio” that measures the input against the output of any project, but it needs to be used carefully to consider invisible work.
  • To that end, keeping the focus on the final product that the user will be receiving can give a better idea of the productivity of a team, comparing the ratio of effort put in versus what the user will be getting.

Scio is an established Nearshore software development company based in Mexico that specializes in providing high-quality, cost-effective technologies for pioneering tech companies. We have been building and mentoring teams of engineers since 2003 and our experience gives us access not only to the knowledge but also the expertise needed when tackling any project. Get started today by contacting us about your project needs – We have teams available to help you achieve your business goals. Get in contact today!

Is LEGO a programming language?

Is LEGO a programming language?

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

He used to make his house out of whatever color [LEGO] brick he happened to grab. Can you imagine the sort of code someone like that would write?— Daniel Underwood, “Microserfs”, 1995

It can’t be denied that computer programming is a very fascinating topic. There’s something undeniably appealing about the mix of creativity and logic it demands, allowing anyone to bring their ideas to life. Programming, essentially, is a puzzle where you can piece together code until everything works right, with the final result of a digital object that works tangibly, and there’s a great sense of satisfaction that comes with that. It’s no wonder that so many people find computer programming so captivating to learn.


Another thing that makes programming fascinating is the fact that it’s always evolving; there are always new languages to learn and new challenges to tackle. For many people, computer programming is the perfect blend of left-brain and right-brain activity, and it’s this balance that makes it so compelling. And whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been coding for years, there’s always something to discover. However, why is the idea of programming so seemingly exclusive to digital spaces? Or is programming, as a concept, beyond what we see on our screens?

Because, as we move towards a future where software and technology are involved in everything we do, the idea of “programming” seems less of an abstract concept, and more of a natural part of our reality, and the same principles can be found in the unlikeliest of places. But what is programming in the physical world? And why stuff like Lego is a great gateway to understanding and getting passionate about something as complex as programming?

Programming in physical spaces

When Excel is not enough 2

Have you ever noticed that Lego plays a far more important role in the lives of computer people than in the general population? To a one, computer technicians spent huge portions of their youth heavily steeped in Lego and its highly focused, solitude-promoting culture. Lego was their common denominator toy.” 

These words come directly from the 1995 novel Microserfs by Douglas Coupland, which portrays the lives and concerns of various Microsoft programmers in the early 90s, prior to the release of Windows 95. The novel has been pretty popular since its original publication because it’s a very thorough look at the nascent class of “software people” that was quickly growing during this decade. Simply put, much of the modern software development culture, when early startups like Microsoft made the jump to a corporate existence, started at this time, and many of the insights exposed in the novel still resonate today. 

For example, let’s see the main argument here, which comes from a character waxing poetic about these popular building toys. The core idea here is that Lego bricks are a binary system, where each of the studs in a brick is either connected to another or they are not, enabling anyone to build something concrete. In that sense, Lego bricks could be conceived as a programming language of sorts, with the resulting “application” being a tangible object, like a rocket ship, a house, or whatever you want. As the book explains:

Lego is ontologically not unlike computers. This is to say that a computer by itself is, well… nothing. Computers only become something when given a specific application. […] To use an Excel spreadsheet or to build a race car, that’s why we have computers and Lego.

That is not a far-fetched idea, mind you. More complex programs can involve hundreds or even thousands of lines of code, but they all operate on the same principle: single interconnected elements whose logic dictates the final result. And by providing a set of unambiguous instructions, programmers can get computers to perform virtually any task they can imagine. In that same sense, to build something with Legos, you need to have a clear understanding of how the individual pieces fit together; just as a programmer needs to have a strong understanding of syntax to write code, a Lego builder needs a strong understanding of how the pieces fit.

Of course, writing effective programs requires more than just a basic understanding of how to give instructions. It also requires an awareness of the many different ways that something can go wrong. A well-written program anticipates the needs of its users and anticipates the ways that the program might be misused. By anticipating these potential problems, programmers can write robust and user-friendly code. Some would argue that Lego is not a true programming language because it does not allow for abstraction or complex logic. However, there is no denying that Lego represents a powerful system for creating and manipulating physical objects. In many ways, it is similar to the way that code can be used to create and manipulate digital objects. As such, it is safe to say that Lego can indeed be considered a form of programming.

A world built on code

Is LEGO a programming language 2

Now, when most people think of programming languages, they think of computer code like Java or Python. However, programming languages are not just limited to computers. Any system that uses a set of instructions can be said to use a programming language, and while computer languages may be the most common type of programming language, they are by no means the only kind.

Back in the day, for example, long before digital computers were a thing, people used analog machines for everything from navigation to weather forecasting. These machines were operated by physical variables like electrical current or fluid pressure, which could be used to represent, store, and process data. Analog computers were often used for agricultural applications, as they could predict things like sunrise and sunset times, moon phases, and tides. In some cases, they were even used to control irrigation systems. And while analog computers are no longer in widespread use, they did play an important role in the development of digital computing.

Analog computers were around for centuries, and although their use has declined in recent years, we can still learn a few tricks from them. For example, these computers are far better at handling continuous data than digital computers because they can represent it more directly, using physical quantities such as voltage or current. As a result, they are often used in scientific and engineering applications where continuous data is common. In addition, analog computers are usually much faster than digital computers when solving certain types of problems because they can perform many operations in parallel, whereas digital computers typically process information sequentially. 

What we are getting at is that we have always lived in a world built on code, where even the simplest expressions of it, like Lego bricks, can have an impact on the way we see and interact with our reality. Although the insight of Microserfs about Lego being analogous to programming might seem odd on first viewing, considering how the field of software development is growing by the day, and evolving just as quickly. Our love of programming probably has a simpler origin than we thought. 

I think it is safe to say that Lego is a potent three-dimensional modeling tool and a language in itself. And prolonged exposure to any language, either visual or verbal, undoubtedly alters the way a child perceives the universe […] The charm and fun of Lego derives from reducing the organic to the modular: a zebra built of little cubes.

And with the modern world increasingly reliant on computer code, from the websites we browse to the apps we use, there’s something special in seeing its magic present even in the simplest of things. To code, in simple terms, is human, becoming the main way we conceptualize our reality and build something on it. Be it a humble Lego brick or a complex chain of code, it’s difficult to overstate the presence of code in our modern lives. And as long as there are people who need to solve complex problems, programming will continue to cast its spell everywhere we look. In many ways, our future has always depended on it.

The Key Takeaways

  • We always think of “programming” as something that only happens inside computers, but that might be far from the truth.
  • If we look at the basic concept of programming, then it’s no surprise to see it everywhere else, and Lego is a great example of it.
  • Lego can be conceptualized as a programming language, where each brick connects to build an application.
  • That’s because programming goes beyond a computer, and our world has been built on analog machines that predate everything digital.

Scio is an established Nearshore software development company based in Mexico that specializes in providing high-quality, cost-effective technologies for pioneering tech companies. We have been building and mentoring teams of engineers since 2003 and our experience gives us access not only to the knowledge but also the expertise needed when tackling any project. Get started today by contacting us about your project needs – We have teams available to help you achieve your business goals. Get in contact today!

When Excel is not enough: Why developing internal tools is the path to success

When Excel is not enough: Why developing internal tools is the path to success

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

Why is the software industry so dependent on Microsoft Excel? That’s a good question. While its dominance is often attributed to its influential features and ease of use, many other key reasons can explain why Excel is so popular across all sorts of industries: Compatibility with other software, for example, is a pretty important feature. Excel files can be easily opened and edited in a variety of external programs, making it a convenient tool for users that need to share and access the files at a moment’s notice.


Secondly, its ability to handle large amounts of data is significant, capable of easily managing huge spreadsheets, making it ideal for businesses that track lots of information. And perhaps more importantly, Excel is affordable, making it a great choice for users and organizations on a budget, being part of the basic Microsoft Office suite. So, with so much to offer, it’s no wonder that Excel is still a top choice for businesses around the world, seen as the go-to software for maintaining records and performing calculations. It’s hard to picture a modern workplace that doesn’t incorporate this application in some way, which begs the question: is this tool the right one for a company?

On one hand, this software is notoriously difficult to use, with many companies investing heavily in Excel training and support, making it difficult to switch to another platform. Even experienced users can find themselves frustrated by its complexity, and Excel doesn’t even offer a lot of flexibility compared with more specialized software applications, being difficult to customize to meet specific needs. And that’s without mentioning how Excel does not have the same level of security as more robust applications, which can be a serious problem if confidential data is being stored in Excel files, which everyone can open and manipulate on any computer. 

Then why do so many companies continue to rely on it? What happens when this piece of office software falls short of the needs and challenges of a company? And what alternatives exist to bridge this gap?

What actually is Microsoft Excel?

When Excel is not enough 2

At its most basic, Microsoft Excel is a software application that allows users to create and format spreadsheets. It is part of the classic Microsoft Office suite of productivity tools, and it’s widely used by businesses and individuals for tasks such as financial modeling, data analysis, and tracking inventory levels. Among other things, Excel offers a user-friendly interface, and its powerful features make it a versatile tool for many different spreadsheet needs. That’s it.

However, there’s a more in-depth answer to what Excel actually is: one of the biggest culprits when it comes to software errors and inefficiencies within any organization. In simple terms, the main problem with using Excel for software management is that it wasn’t designed for that purpose; this application is great for tracking data and performing calculations, but for managing complex software projects, it’s lacking in features, if not downright counterproductive. And we are not alone in this belief.

Excel is one of those tools that every company starts off with.  In the initial stages, it allows companies to organize and manage many of their operations effectively and efficiently. It may not be perfect, but it does the job”, says an article by tech developer Strappberry. “There is no doubt that it is a useful tool that helps in many administrative, accounting, and financial tasks. However, as business data grows, the limitations of this software begin to show.

When it comes to software development in specific, the problem with using only Microsoft Excel is that it’s not designed for managing these kinds of complex projects. It doesn’t have the features or functionality that you need to effectively manage a development team. One of the biggest problems is that Excel doesn’t handle dependencies well; when you’re trying to track which tasks need to be completed in what order, Excel quickly becomes a tangled mess. The other big problem is that Excel doesn’t provide any way to visualize the project as a whole, which can make it difficult to spot potential problems or areas where the project is falling behind schedule. It doesn’t offer any real-time collaboration features, so if multiple people are working on the same project, they’ll need to constantly send updated versions of the spreadsheet back and forth, which can quickly become confusing and lead to errors.

Additionally, you could lose all of your data if something goes wrong with your Microsoft Excel file. So, while Microsoft Excel may be a good tool for some things, it’s not enough to effectively manage a software project, let alone an entire organization. The problem only compounds across companies and industries, resulting in an application that can quickly be overwhelmed in serious business environments. You need a more robust solution that was specifically designed for managing software development projects.

Taking matters into your own hands

When Excel is not enough

No, Microsoft Excel is not enough to maintain a software organization, so having an alternative to manage any workflow of a company is going to become increasingly critical in today’s competitive market. And one of the best ways to do so is by having a strong internal toolkit

By developing its own tools and platforms, an organization can gain a significant edge, because it gives the organization better control over the development process. By creating tailor-made solutions for its own specific challenges, the organization can ensure that they are always ahead of the curve. In addition, these tools enable an organization to better control its destiny, allowing it to tap into the talents of its employees by designing systems and tools that take advantage of the talent inside the organization, instead of trying to slot them into learning applications such as Excel. 

However, above all of this, the most obvious benefit is that it can help to improve the efficiency of the company’s development process. By having access to tools and resources specifically designed for the company’s needs, developers can save a considerable amount of time and effort, as well as solve some of the most pressing security issues with Excel, by implementing applications that can be built from the ground up with the scalability and security that any organization needs. In addition, developing internal tools can also help to foster a greater sense of cooperation and collaboration within the company. When employees can work together more effectively, it can lead to better results overall. 

Although Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that can be used for a wide range of tasks, it does have its limits”, says Adolfo Cruz, PMO Director and Partner. “Excel is designed to work with small to medium-sized datasets, and the complexity of formulas that can be used is pretty limited. This can make it difficult to perform certain types of analysis, such as financial modeling, and it’s not well suited for collaborative work, which is important for a larger organization. Sure, you can share spreadsheets, but there is no built-in support for tracking changes or managing versions. In all, Excel is best suited for individual work, but for a larger organization, it’s better to have something more special.

And what he means is that developing internal tools can also help to create a competitive advantage for the company. By having access to unique and innovative resources, a software development company can set itself apart from its rivals, and with something that’s entirely its own, developers can feel more connected to their organization. In short, developing internal applications that can’t get overwhelmed by the challenges of an organization is the best way for any software company to achieve true success. That way, we can leave behind a dependency on Excel that will only hurt in the long run.

The Key Takeaways

  • Excel is a pretty popular tool with a legitimate application inside and outside the software industry, but it’s also limited.
  • While capable of handling large amounts of data, being cheap and easy to access, if not to use, Excel cannot scale up properly with more complex projects, such as software development.
  • Although it’s not the only tool with this problem, it’s a great example of this problem, which can lead to all kinds of security and workflow issues that can harm and hold back an organization.
  • The best solution, then, is for a company to develop its own internal tools, making sure they are tailored to its unique problems and challenges.

Scio is an established Nearshore software development company based in Mexico that specializes in providing high-quality, cost-effective technologies for pioneering tech companies. We have been building and mentoring teams of engineers since 2003 and our experience gives us access not only to the knowledge but also the expertise needed when tackling any project. Get started today by contacting us about your project needs – We have teams available to help you achieve your business goals. Get in contact today!

What is a growth mindset truly about? 4 myths that you should avoid

What is a growth mindset truly about? 4 myths that you should avoid

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

We have discussed before how a growth mindset is essential for any software developer. After all, the world of technology is always changing, and those who can keep up with the latest trends, both technically and emotionally, are the most successful ones. With a growth mindset, developers are constantly learning and expanding their skillsets beyond their comfort zones and usual interests, never satisfied with simply knowing how to do something. They’re always looking for new challenges, and they’re never afraid to fail because they know that “failure” is simply an opportunity to learn and grow.


And a lot has changed in the software development field over the years. New languages, frameworks, and development practices mean that it’s more important than ever to develop a well-rounded skill set. To become a truly effective software developer, you need to be able to work in a variety of environments and be comfortable with a range of technologies. You also need to have a strong foundation in the basics, including principles of software design, data structures, and algorithms. And finally, it’s important to be able to communicate effectively with other team members, whether it’s working with architects to design a system or collaborating on code reviews. A growth mindset is the best strategy to do so, helping you stretch into other important areas (like teamwork, communication, or leadership) outside of your normal interests.

However, getting into a growth mindset is not an easy task. And it isn’t because accomplishing this is singularly hard or demanding, but because there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about what a growth mindset is, or how to effectively harness this way of thinking to become a better developer. So, what are some of the myths about developing a growth mindset, and how to avoid falling into them?

Myth 1: It’s an intrinsic quality to have

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We see this kind of thinking all the time, from the “there are two kinds of people in the world” type of mentality, to the idea that natural talent or ability is the most important quality to have (and bad luck to anyone born without it). However, when it comes to a growth mindset, this idea is harmful and simply not true. 

After all, a person with a true growth mindset believes that intelligence and talent are not fixed traits; everyone can grow and improve with the necessary effort, and that every challenge is an opportunity to grow. So why isn’t everyone running around with a growth mindset? Well, because a fixed mindset, or the belief that intelligence and talent are fixed traits that cannot be changed, is still very prevalent, and even the default in our current society. This mentality leads people to give up easily, believing that they cannot improve, simply because they are afraid of failing. However, with the right tools and environment, anyone can learn to grow, stop fearing the failures that are necessary to evolve, and better themselves in areas of skill that they thought impossible before.

Myth 2: It’s all about being positive

Being «positive» is often touted as the key to success in life, an antidote of sorts for all kinds of problems, from personal relationships to financial success. Generally, the thinking goes that if you stay positive, good things will happen to you. Although starting with a positive attitude certainly helps, this is not the most important element of a true growth mindset. A growth mindset is about taking risks, learning from failure, and always striving to improve. 

In fact, «positive thinking» can be a form of self-deception that can prevent people from achieving their full potential; being successful in any area requires the willingness to face your limitations, recognize them, and make an effort to improve. By pretending that everything is always rosy, people with an uncritically positive outlook may avoid taking risks and miss out on growth opportunities. So, if you want to achieve real growth, you need to have a positive attitude toward failure and a willingness to take risks. Only then will you be able to reach your full potential.

Myth 3: A growth mindset guarantees positive results

AI in 2023

One of the key elements of a growth mindset is the willingness to take on risks and challenges. Learning and improving on areas we never considered before requires effort, the willingness to hear criticisms and feedback, and committing time and resources to achieve it. But most importantly, anyone who wishes to get into a growth mindset needs to understand that failure is always an option and that a growth mindset does not guarantee positive outcomes all of the time. Instead, it is simply one tool that can help achieve goals. 

What matters is how we deal with these challenges and setbacks. If we allow them to defeat us, then our growth mindset won’t matter. But if we use them as opportunities to learn and grow, then we can overcome anything. So yes, a growth mindset is important, but it’s not a silver bullet. It won’t magically make everything better. But it will give us the strength to keep going when times are tough, helping us see failure as a normal part of the learning process, and letting us get ready for the next challenge. As one might say, “you are either learning or winning”.

Myth 4: Absolutely everything is possible

As the saying goes, a “jack-of-all-trades is a master of none”, and the notion that anyone can be an expert at everything is misguided and can set unrealistic expectations when it comes to getting a growth mindset. The core tenet here is that you can develop any skill you want if you put effort into it, and that people in general don’t exist in a static state that is impossible to change. If, as a developer, you want to have skills that go beyond pure technical know-how, like leadership, teamwork, negotiation, or public speaking because you want to become more well-rounded. It could open up opportunities for you and there are techniques and strategies you can try to be more proficient at. 

But don’t develop unrealistic expectations about it. If we believe that we should be able to do everything expertly, we’re bound to feel like failures when we inevitably fall short. An average person has affinities and weak spots in different areas, which is fine and normal. This should neither stop you from trying new things nor make you believe that you need to be the best at everything you attempt. What’s more, this belief devalues expertise. If everyone is supposedly an expert, then what’s the point of learning from those who have spent their lives honing a particular skill? Instead of trying to be good at everything, we would be better off accepting that we have our limits and that there are some things we’re simply not cut out for and focusing on becoming the best at what we’re interested in. Only then can we truly excel.

A mindset of your own

The main takeaway here is that acquiring a growth mindset should mainly benefit you. It’s something you do because you believe in your skills, you have the desire to improve, and you can see yourself becoming a better developer, and a better person if you want to. A growth mindset leads to increased motivation, improved learning, and increased resilience in the face of setbacks. In short, it allows you to become the best version of yourself. 

So, if you’re looking for a personal goal that will benefit you in countless ways, acquiring a growth mindset is a great place to start. You will be more likely to persevere when things get tough and you’re more likely to view failure as a learning opportunity, and you will always end up stronger because of that. This is because you believe that your abilities are not set in stone. It’s a goal that will benefit you and everyone in the world around you.

The Key Takeaways

  • Having a growth mindset is one of the best qualities a well-rounded developer can have.
  • However, there are many myths and inaccuracies about a growth mindset that you should be aware of.
  • Overcoming these myths and setting realistic expectations about this mindset is the best way to harness its effectiveness for good.
  • At the end of the day, the main benefit of a growth mindset should be for yourself, becoming a personal goal that will bring better things in all aspects of your life.

Scio is an established Nearshore software development company based in Mexico that specializes in providing high-quality, cost-effective technologies for pioneering tech companies. We have been building and mentoring teams of engineers since 2003 and our experience gives us access not only to the knowledge but also the expertise needed when tackling any project. Get started today by contacting us about your project needs – We have teams available to help you achieve your business goals. Get in contact today!

Do you want to be a great software developer? Embrace a Growth Mindset

Do you want to be a great software developer? Embrace a Growth Mindset

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

What makes one a great software developer? When you work in a field where there is no “right” way to do things, this can be a pretty important question. Some say that the best developers are those who can find creative solutions to difficult problems, willing to experiment and take risks, always learning from their mistakes. Others say that a great developer has a strong understanding of the latest technologies and trends, enabling them to think outside the box and come up with new and innovative ideas. And yet others say that a good developer is simply one who writes good, stable code with discipline and consistency.


Of course, all of these are very good qualities for a software developer to have, but here at Scio, we think that there’s something else involved, a “secret ingredient” of sorts that every developer can have if they put in the necessary effort and that we encourage as often as we can: a growth mindset.

What is a growth mindset? Simply put, it’s the belief that intelligence and ability can be developed through hard work and practice. It means having the ability to constantly learn new things, adapt to new situations and be open to feedback with a willingness to experiment. It’s never getting too comfortable with your skills because the industry is always changing. We believe that the best developers are always learning, always growing, and always looking for ways to improve.

The research of Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck has shown that people with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of setbacks, take on challenging tasks, and embrace failure as an opportunity to learn. With this, you can see why any great developer would know that having a growth mindset is critical for success. Your skills can be developed through hard work, determination, and persistence, and this mindset allows you to approach challenges with a positive attitude and the belief that you can overcome them. It also gives you the chance to learn from your mistakes and view “failure” as an opportunity to evolve. Without a growth mindset, it is easy to become discouraged when faced with difficult problems or to give up when encountering setbacks. Getting yourself into this headspace will leave you better equipped to continue growing as a developer.

Developing a growth mindset

The rise of the industry-specific Cloud: Here’s everything you need to know

As we said, a growth mindset believes that intelligence and talent are skills that can be developed, rather than static traits that you’re born with. The latter is known as a “fixed mindset”, which maintains that ability is static or predetermined, and there’s little you can do to change that. In other words, it’s thinking in terms of “natural talents” instead of “acquired skills” that can dissuade a lot of people from learning and improving an aspect of themselves, leaving them stuck in place. 

The idea of “natural talent” is very powerful. It’s often used to describe someone good at something seemingly without any effort, a sort of “Life’s Lottery Winner” that either you are, or you aren’t. However, this is far from the truth; what we call «talent» is simply the result of hard work, practice, and dedication, so anyone can become good at anything if they are willing to put in the time and effort. The belief that some people are born with inherent abilities, while others are not, is nothing more than a harmful myth, discouraging people from trying new things and pursuing their goals, because they believe that they will never be as good as those with «natural talent», no matter what. In reality, everyone has the same potential for greatness, but it’s up to each individual to get into this mindset.

But how to shed this worldview and embrace the idea that you can always learn and become better? How can you develop a growth mindset to become the developer you always wanted to be? Well, the most important thing you should know is that having a growth mindset is not always an innate attitude for most people, so it requires effort to get one. We all have a specific aspect of our personality somewhere that we believe impossible to change, that is just “part of who we are”, making us likely to give up in the face of adversity, stick to familiar tasks, and see failure as a reflection of our lack of ability, which is rarely the case. Recognizing the presence of this “fixed mindset” is the first step to start improving.

With that in mind, you should start by practicing self-advocacy. This is the ability to communicate your wants and needs to others, which requires an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Doing so makes it easier to identify areas of opportunity where you can improve a skill or learn something new. In software development, for example, you need a lot more than just writing good code; you need to communicate with the client and your team effectively, understanding their needs and challenges, and in a Nearshore company like Scio, often in a different language than your native one. All of these skills require time and commitment to master, so to get started…

  1. Make a list of all the skills you use daily, both hard and soft (tools, frameworks, platforms, and programming languages, for example, as well as stuff like planning, communicating with others, giving feedback, etc.)
  2.  Make a note of which ones you feel completely confident about, and which ones require more effort on your part. 
  3. Try to see what’s the difference between these skills: maybe it’s the amount of practice you put into it, or maybe you feel more interested in doing one rather than the other. Maybe you never had the chance to use that skill before.
  4. Apply self-advocacy to find the help you need to bring these skills up. Sign up for a course, ask a more experienced friend, or make the time to improve.

By understanding what you’re good at and what you need to work on, you can set yourself up for success”, says Luis Aburto, CEO and Co-Founder of Scio. “If you’re aware of your weaknesses, you can take steps to improve them. And if you know your strengths, you can use them to your advantage. Which is an essential quality if you want to grow and evolve as a developer. By taking the time to understand what makes you tick, you can set yourself up for success both now and in the future.

However, even after doing all of this, we understand that this growth doesn’t happen instantaneously; it requires a continued effort and the support of everyone in your environment to reach your maximum potential as a developer. This is why choosing to collaborate with an organization that takes growth seriously is just as important as recognizing your need to improve your skill set. After all, what good comes out of knowing your areas of opportunity if you don’t have the chance to act on them?

Growing together

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However, a true growth mindset goes beyond simply believing that you can get better by just expanding your knowledge or your technical toolset. It involves taking the initiative to explore new skills and going through learning experiences outside of your “comfort zone”. In a previous blog, we talked about how actual “comfort zones” are less about getting stuck on a single place, without feeling the need to go beyond it, and more about expanding your areas of expertise, getting comfortable in areas of software development that are just as important as technical knowledge, but demand a very different kind of effort. Soft skills like  communication, negotiation, problem solving, teamwork or strategic thinking that will help you become a well-rounded developer. Going into places you have never gone before is how a person truly grows.

That’s why it’s so important to work with people that help you improve all your skills, or with an organization that provides opportunities for skill development outside of what you thought possible before, commiting to create a strong team capable of taking on any challenge. Companies like Scio, for example, know the value not only in offering workshops, courses, and programs like Sensei-Creati, but also in letting developers “stretch their legs”, so to speak, with assignments and responsibilities that might help them develop a new skill, like letting a Senior take the Lead in a project, or allowing people that not normally interact with the client to have a more “first hand” experience” to practice communication and planning. Actions like these allow taking something you are not “skilled at” and practice it to perfection on a daily basis, even if it’s outside of your normal interests. That’s how we participate in the creation of well-rounded developers capable of joining any team and overcoming any challenge.

So, to get back to our point, a growth mindset is essential for any software developer that wants to be excellent at their craft. With this mindset, you will never stop learning and expanding your skillset, always looking for new challenges to conquer and ways to improve yourself. If you can adopt a growth mindset and let go of preconceived notions about what you are and aren’t good at, you will set yourself up for success as a great software developer. And We will always be in need of those.

The Key Takeaways

  • A good software developer knows that the key to greatness is always improving your skills and learning new things.
  • To achieve this, you need to get into a “growth mindset” where improving is a continuing process that never stops.
  • To get this mindset, myths like “natural talent” or that there are things about yourself that cannot be changed need to be left behind.
  • However, doing this by yourself can be difficult, which is why you, as a developer, should choose to collaborate with a company or organization that sees the value in growing and learning at every step.

Scio is an established Nearshore software development company based in Mexico that specializes in providing high-quality, cost-effective technologies for pioneering tech companies. We have been building and mentoring teams of engineers since 2003 and our experience gives us access not only to the knowledge but also the expertise needed when tackling any project. Get started today by contacting us about your project needs – We have teams available to help you achieve your business goals. Get in contact today!

Thinking of software development budgets for 2023? Here are three approaches you should know about.

Thinking of software development budgets for 2023? Here are three approaches you should know about.

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

If you’re serious about succeeding with your software development projects in 2023, you need to start budgeting for them now. It’s no use waiting until the last minute and hoping that everything will work out – it rarely does. Not only will you have a clearer idea of what you need to spend, but you’ll also be able to start making savings where possible, which may be an important concern going into the next year.

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After all, 2023 is shaping up to be a challenging year for the software industry, with several factors coming together to create a perfect storm of sorts. First, the overall economic picture is uncertain, with slowing growth in developed markets and an ongoing trade war making it difficult for companies to plan for the future. In addition, new emerging technologies, like AI and cloud streaming, are threatening to disrupt traditional business models, and the political environment is becoming increasingly challenging to navigate. As a result, 2023 is likely to be a year where companies will need to be agile and adaptable to survive and thrive.

With all that in mind, it’s never too early to start planning for success, and budgeting properly for your development expenses today will be a critical element of that. However, budgeting for your development expenses now can be easier said than done. When it comes to producing software, there are a lot of moving parts, which makes budgeting a bit of a challenge. For one thing, you have to account for the cost of the software itself, as well as the cost of any licenses or subscriptions that may be required, then there’s the cost of hardware, which can vary depending on the needs of the project, and don’t forget about the cost of training and support. Add it all up, and it’s no wonder budgeting a software development project can be so complicated. Of course, there are ways to simplify the process, but at the end of the day, it’s still important to have a clear understanding of all the costs involved. Otherwise, you might find yourself in over your head – and that’s never a good place to be.

Designing a software budget in 2023

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Let’s talk about numbers first. According to this article from The Harvest Blog: “Your project team members won’t have the necessary resources they need if you can’t secure the right funding. And if you don’t have a set plan from the start, you run the risk of joining the 57% of companies who say they don’t typically complete their projects within the established budget.” And with the challenges that 2023 will bring to the industry, reaching these goals will be critical.

So, if you’re serious about achieving your development goals, budgeting is a step that you can’t afford to avoid. By starting to budget for your development expenses now, you’ll be in a much better position to succeed. And you may already have a couple of traditional approaches to doing so, like the “Envelope System”, which involves assigning specific amounts of money to different spending categories (like licensing fees, cloud-based storage, subscriptions of all kinds, etc.), or the “Zero-based budget” that requires you to account for every single penny you spend. Nevertheless, when it comes to software development, these might not be enough. 

The traditional approach to budgeting assumes that all projects can be planned and executed linearly, with predictable costs and results. But software development can be anything but predictable; it’s an iterative process, where changes and improvements are constantly being made based on feedback. This means that software development teams need to be able to adapt their plans on the fly, which can make it difficult to stay within a fixed budget. In addition, the rapid pace of change in the technology industry means that teams often have to scrap their plans and start from scratch if they want to stay ahead of the competition.

Whichever approach you decide to use, the important thing is that you start budgeting for your development expenses now; 2023 is around the corner, and with it comes a new year of projects and innovations to look for. As always, software organizations of all kinds will be looking to stay within their budget while delivering quality products, with some basic tips that can help you to do so:

  • Use an agile development methodology. This will allow you to break the project down into smaller pieces and deliver them incrementally, which can help to control costs.
  • Make use of open-source software. Many high-quality open-source options can save you money on licenses and support fees.
  • Take advantage of cloud computing. Cloud-based solutions can be a cost-effective option for hosting and running your software.

But beyond these common-sense suggestions, the correct approach of an organization to budget for a software development project depends on a variety of unique challenges and goals. So, we’d like to present some budgeting techniques that can ensure that your software project stays on track, making a positive outcome more likely for any software enterprise. For example…

  • Bottom-up estimating: This is a great way to avoid any surprises when it comes time for your team’s final budget. Essentially, it’s about working closely with the team and examining each step of the project to the most minute detail, to ensure that you have all the important information laid out to create an accurate roadmap. This process helps ensure no hurdles come up later down the road, which ultimately saves money by having fewer unexpected costs associated with these «known problems» during development. 

  • Top-down estimating: Top-down estimating is a more efficient way to budget for large projects. By looking at the scope as an entire entity, you can identify which tasks will take up most of your time or resources without having any uncertainty between them. This allows us to estimate costs with greater accuracy than the “bottom-up” technique, allowing an organization to know exactly what work needs to be done first. The key difference between “Top-down” and “Bottom-Up” estimating lies in how much detail goes into each stage: With the top-down method, all elements must be defined upfront. However, some flexibility when deciding upon specific costs should remain.

  • Analogous estimating: A great way to get an idea about how much your project will cost when you don’t have enough data for the upcoming task. This technique only works because it relies on previous projects as references, so keeping its accuracy depends largely upon what information there was available from those jobs. That’s why reports, notes, feedback, and the information collected in project management systems can be so valuable to implement, allowing tracking of internal costs and reviewing past work while informing future scope decisions all at once, making sure every penny counts.

Final words

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It’s no secret that software projects can be costly. All too often, companies find themselves over budget and behind schedule, scrambling to contain the costs of their project. However, with a few strategies like the ones we just mentioned, costs can be kept under control. However, there’s no better strategy to plan your software development budget than managing expectations about the outcomes, clearly communicating the scope of the project and what will be delivered at each stage. 

This will help your organization to avoid scope creep and ensure that everyone is on the same page from the start. By following these simple strategies, companies can ensure that their software projects stay on budget coming 2023.

The Key Takeaways

  • The software industry, alongside the rest of the technology sector, will have a challenging 2023, for a variety of reasons.
  • One of the crucial elements of any company’s success is budgeting projects and operations sensibly, ensuring that an organization can meet all the goals it needs.
  • However, software development can be somewhat finicky when it comes to planning, so traditional approaches to budgeting might not cut it out; rather, a holistic view of the whole process can be the right way to plan any expense.
  • It’s important to keep in mind past approaches in order to understand where the biggest challenges might come when budgeting for the new year.

Scio is an established Nearshore software development company based in Mexico that specializes in providing high-quality, cost-effective technologies for pioneering tech companies. We have been building and mentoring teams of engineers since 2003 and our experience gives us access not only to the knowledge but also the expertise needed when tackling any project. Get started today by contacting us about your project needs – We have teams available to help you achieve your business goals. Get in contact today!