The Best is yet to come: Scio’s wishes for an incredible 2022

The Best is yet to come: Scio’s wishes for an incredible 2022

A new year approaches! And the team of Scio expects great things of 2022, so join us to celebrate and share our wishes in this brief overview of the resolutions that we want to reach. Happy Holidays!

The year 2021 was perhaps an even bigger challenge than last year, but one that made us stronger, and eager to start the next one all fresh. And with 2022 right on our doorstep, we are going to take this opportunity to celebrate what some of the collaborators of Scio are expecting of these new uncharted waters.

So, to close this year and start the next one right, we present you with some of our New Year’s wishes, the new stuff we want to see, as well as some of the old stuff we want to leave behind. Happy 2022!

What do our collaborators expect from 2022?

So, we directly asked some of our collaborators to share their excitement for the year to come. Personal projects, plans, professional hopes… All of them had one theme in common: the idea that the challenges of 2022 are going to be different, and we are ready to come back.

I wish we can return to the brand new location when possible”, said Rodimiro Aburto, our Service Delivery Manager & Senior Partner. “And start visiting our clients again at their headquarters, as we used to do before, so we can touch base with them in person once again.

This was once one of the pillars of the Nearshore development that Scio offers, so the chance to pick it up again and continue where we left off is one of our biggest wishes.

2022 fills me with excitement, starting by having the attitude needed to face new challenges and experiences”, told Nubia Gómez, our Brand Ambassador at Scio. “I want to consolidate my projects here, learn so much more, finish my English courses, travel what I couldn’t during the pandemic, work on my personal balance, take care of my health with more exercise, and be closer to my family.

It sounds like this is the year of getting back some of the stuff we had, and here at Scio is not different. “I wish this New Year is better than we expect, and make us happier than we ever imagined”.

Luis Manuel Rodríguez, of our Application Developers, also shared his expectations: “I have two resolutions I’d like to keep next year. The first one is to maintain an equilibrium between my personal and professional lives, as remote work makes it easy to lose my notion of time, and in turn, of this balance. 

He also remarked how Scio is helping him to reach some of his own goals. “The second is starting my personal project, which I’ve been wanting to do for a few years now, but I couldn’t formally begin. Using everything I learned about work management in the Scio Leadership Program, this year I’ll manage my project and define the date for my MVP.

Remote working is also high on our list of priorities; we attract special talent from all over LATAM to collaborate with us, and being able to share the Scio culture is a big part of why. “I wish our Human Capital department finds new and better ways to help our collaborators feel part of Scio, and share our values and sense of community even in a remote working environment”, Helena Matamoros, our Human Capital Manager and another of the Senior Partners, told us.

Also, I want to keep strengthening the Scio culture, so our collaborators keep growing within their professional careers in a healthy environment that lets them achieve a fair balance between their personal and professional lives.

And finally, Yamila Solari, Co-Founder and Coaching Leader at Scio, looks towards the future of a hybrid model of collaboration.

This year I would like to consolidate the work I have been doing with the teams at Scio by taking them to a new level of communication where all Scioneers feel empowered to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs to their teammates. I would also love to get up to speed with the latest findings and tools for helping high-performing teams and team up with my colleagues in management to achieve a smooth transition to the new office and hybrid work.

As you can see, lots of plans are cooking up at Scio. The challenges will never stop coming, but as a team that looks towards the same goal, 2022 is the opportunity we were waiting for. Happy New Year from the team at Scio!