Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez
The world has changed dramatically in the past few years and it’s no surprise that our idea of what employees want and need have gone through a revolution of sorts. In comparison to 10 years ago, today’s professionals seem to value collaboration over competition, so organizations need to foster an environment that encourages idea-sharing rather than individual recognition, and employees have made tremendous strides in terms of skill development and career advancement.

Furthermore, today’s workforce is composed of a much more diverse demographic than a couple of decades ago, enabling companies to benefit from a variety of new perspectives and experiences. Communication skills have also grown exponentially, with employees adopting more open lines of communication with one another, making it easier to collaborate on projects. We’ve also seen a shift toward flexible working arrangements as employees become aware of the many benefits such arrangements offer for both productivity and personal satisfaction. In other words, the evolution of today’s workplace has been pretty dramatic over the last two decades.
As a result, the workplace is changing quickly, and it’s been evident over the last two decades, with a shift towards self-motivation, where employees increasingly take personal responsibility for their personal development and career growth, resulting in employees more open to the idea of moving around between different companies to find the best roles for them.
And that’s without mentioning how many jobs that existed 10 years ago look very different today due to the development of new technology including automated systems or tools that can facilitate work processes. Additionally, there is an ever-increasing focus on employee well-being, so companies are more deliberate in creating an environment with ample opportunity to disconnect from work when needed. Corporate culture has shifted as well; these days it is much more focused on creativity and innovation rather than working 9-5 to get things done. All of these changes demonstrate that employees have certainly evolved over the past two decades – a trend that will most likely continue into the future.
And this evolution of the employee and the corporate culture around it, play a big part in how Scio works today. We sat down with Helen Matamoros, our Head of Human Capital, to discuss how a developer today has evolved dramatically in the last decade, how this shapes corporate culture (and vice versa), and where this evolution might lead us in the future. Let’s dig right into it!
An evolution of perspective

One of the most interesting aspects of this evolution can be found in the contrasts between a Senior and a Junior Developer. Outside the office, Senior Developers generally looked for a better work-life balance, often prioritizing it both in terms of career and home life over the years. A Junior Developer, on the other hand, commonly used to take on extra hours, struggles with making time for socializing, and worries about precarious employment due to lack of experience. But today, the reality looks very different.
“Back when I started at Scio, in 2007 or so, we usually looked for more Senior staff due to the nature of the projects we did for our clients. We used .NET almost exclusively, so this kind of wide experience was needed, so many of our collaborators back then were 30+ people who already were starting families and generally expecting more stability and better remuneration from their jobs, which guided a lot of what we did back then, culturally speaking”, explains Helen about how expectations have shifted in the last decade and a half. “But as the variety of tools and frameworks have increased, we can have more variety in the amount of experience a Scioneer can have, and what we can offer to them.”
So when it came to finding the perfect fit for a career, Senior developers preferred stability and long-term growth over more immediate gratification, which could mean taking on a job that offers consistent work rather than something short-term with potentially higher pay but little security or potential for advancement, so it’s understandable why finding such an opportunity would be very important.
However, as this shift in technology happened, so did Scio’s approach to what kind of culture we fostered also changed. Developers with less experience but great technical skills became more of the norm for many projects, with Scio offering lots of training, courses, and workshops to help these developers to grow and thrive. After all, supporting the growth and development of junior and mid-level developers is a win-win situation for software companies.
Not only does it provide a wealth of knowledge gained from experienced staff to employees at various career stages but offering developer training can help foster individual development plans, creating an attractive working environment, which is what the best software companies strive for, and in turn, makes them attractive for any prospective developer.
“Another interesting shift I noticed in the last 15 years or so at Scio, is how developers have also changed in attitude, leaving behind the “nerdy” stereotype we still see everywhere, giving more importance to the soft skill side of things”, says Helen, which is something we have commented before at our blog. “Obviously, we have a wide variety of personalities and personal stories at Scio, but we have noticed a certain openness to socialize and mingle together that wasn’t here a decade ago. And that’s something we try to encourage among our developers because collaboration is at the heart of everything we do here. We like to work with people who understand the value of teamwork, and that’s always the first filter we apply when looking for new developers.”
Building our culture across borders

Unlike traditional corporate cultures, this new approach is putting each employee’s creativity and expertise on display to achieve the best possible results for the organization. A collaborative environment encourages communication, team building, and the integration of diverse perspectives, which leads to more innovative ideas, better problem-solving capabilities, and more efficient processes.
Even with limited resources and tight timelines, a collaborative corporate culture can help shape an ambitious yet achievable vision as well as efficiently realize that vision. Furthermore, when every team member knows that their knowledge could be valuable to others in the organization, they tend to take more ownership of their work and be more engaged in their role within the company. Having a collaborative corporate culture is an essential element for achieving success in any software development organization.
“Of course, as a Nearshore development company, Scio has a hybrid remote/in-person approach where collaboration is fundamental to reaching our goals. We have employees who can often come to our offices in Morelia, but plenty more elsewhere in Mexico and the rest of Latin America who can’t do face-to-face interaction”, explains Helen about the challenges of a good corporate culture in the age of remote work. “After all we, as people, like to feel part of a whole, knowing that our work matters and how it fits into the bigger picture. So we make the effort to create the kinds of connections that make you feel part of Scio, even if you are working at home. As I mentioned, developers today seem to be more open to the idea of socializing and treating this as more than a job, even with healthy boundaries between their personal and professional lives, so we, as an organization, have a responsibility to encourage this. It always leads to better results for everyone.”
That’s why, when it comes to software development, having a closer bond between employees at a mid-sized company like Scio can make a world of difference. Employees with close ties also have an increased sense of responsibility, since they know that their actions will affect the entire team and not just themselves. This level of trust is essential for any successful software project, as developers need to understand each other’s processes and expectations to collaborate efficiently. Additionally, organizations benefit from closer relationships between staff because certain types of feedback can be handled more sensitively within a team setting than on a larger scale.
Altogether, it’s clear that having a collaborative corporate culture is an essential element for achieving success in any software development organization. By fostering collaboration among its employees and giving them the freedom to explore creative solutions together, a software development company like Scio can use a collaborative corporate culture as a key tool for success, in both our projects and among our developers in their personal growth.
Scio is a Nearshore software development company based in Mexico where we believe that everyone deserves everyone should have the opportunity to work in an environment where they feel like a part of something. A place to excel and unlock their full potential which is the best approach to create a better world. We have been collaborating with US-based clients since 2003, solving challenging programming puzzles, and in the process showcasing the skills of Latin American Engineers. Want to be part of Scio? Get in contact today!. Get in contact today!